Monday, December 7, 2009

Weekend update

A good weekend. Saturday I was impatient with Sam, and regretted it terribly. There are few things more miserable than the regret of not being patient or loving with your small, vulnerable boy. This is the way I am when I don't get enough sleep. So yesterday was a tremendous balm, and was much better. I was patient the whole day (not the same as permissive), and Sam and I had a GREAT time together. I can't wait for the next weekend to come so we can do it all over again. :-)

He and I mainly just went to the mall and wandered around. (See the photos of Sam in front of the huge Christmas tree at the mall, taken with my phone's Last-Known-Photo filter.) Of course, also played at home some. Used static electricity to stick balloons on the ceiling. And I used his hands to hit me, the complained bitterly to Susan that Sam was beating me up. He got a BIG kick out of that. :-)

Sam has been using the Big Potty again, and even when he doesn't, he's good about emptying the potty chair. I happened to be nearby while he was doing this, and he wanted me to take the lid off the back of the toilet so he could see it working--a favorite activity of his. This time, though, he really seemed to figure out where the water was going and what it was doing, and was excited to tell me about it.

He has alternated lately between wanting to be a Scientist or a Policeman when he grows up. Now we can add Engineer to the list. :-)

At the mall (our lesser equivalent to Easton's in Columbus) we rode the carousel and bought some votives at the Yankee Candle Shoppe (Mountain Pine, Hazelnut Coffee and his favorite, Christmas Cookie), and got a few other things we needed. And since I forgot to put the xD card back in the camera, I was forced against my will to be In The Moment.

Sam wanted to bring along a stuffed sheep of his, whom he's named Rosalinda. He told Rosalinda she didn't need to be afraid, since he was protecting her. He said God is never afraid, nor his daddy. He said he is only afraid of two things: shots, and having his mommy and daddy leave him. And he even told Rosalinda that would never happen. (Good to hear he feels secure.)

A good time was had by all. I mean, us.

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