We returned home to eight inches, and got another inch overnight. It's in the teens and breezy, which makes for great tromping-through-the-snow conditions!

This is a minor squall to our South Dakota kin--who, despite the wide-open spaces, are running out of room to put all of their snow. Why, the creek's not even frozen! Just the right amount for having fun. (And, as the resident target, I am pleased to say it's too dry to make good snow balls out of!)

So, here are some photos from today. (Note Sam sporting one of his
two new
multicolored hats!) A note about the shot with the tree trunk: Sam's been telling us he knows how to climb trees. Even asked Aunt Sue if she does too. Yesterday he mentioned that he knows how to climb a tree because he did so in a dream.

Today, outside, he walked right up to a tree trunk, looked up it, then said to me that he really
doesn't know how to climb a tree!
Not yet, Sam, not yet.
Do his new second hand snow pants fit him?
I love how he has to look out from under his hat.
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