Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Today's theological questions from Sam

Sam: “Is God invisible?”

Me (Susan): “Yup.” I added, “When Jesus was on earth, he was visible, because he had a body and was a person. But God the Father is invisible.”

Sam: “God the Father?”

Me, not wanting to explain: “Yup, God's invisible.”

Sam: “Is Moses invisible?”

Me: “Nope. Moses was a person just like us.”

Sam: “Can we see him?”

Me: “Moses lived a long time ago. He died a long time ago and is probably in heaven with God right now.”

Sam: “Where is heaven?” [Discussion ensues, in which he is unsatisfied by my saying that it's hard to say where heaven is. Sam claims to know where heaven is: in the sky. I say it is good that we have that cleared up.]

Sam: “Is Jesus coming again? My bible book says that he is.”

Me: “Yes, he sure is.”

Sam: “When? Tomorrow?”

Me: “Well, it could be tomorrow. That would mess up our play date plans, wouldn't it?”

Sam: “It would? Why?”

Me: “But it might not be tomorrow. It could be tomorrow or in a hundred years. No one knows.”

Sam: “But it could be tomorrow? Can we see him when he comes?”

Me: “Yes, we'll be able to see him.”

Sam: “We'll be able to see his body?”

Me: “Yes.”

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