Monday, April 19, 2010

Dizzying movies etc.

Had a pleasant weekend which included a quick trip to the Play Museum. Sam wanted to ride the carousel which, by coincidence, was completely packed the ride before ours, but when we rode we were the only ones on it. So we tried the little circular seats which you can spin around as the carousel turns. Fun, if nauseating! The movie shows it all.

Last Friday Sam's school had a program wherein the classes each gave presentations, usually music. Sam's class sang Tomorrow from Annie. He's been singing that in the tub, practicing. In the photo, on his right, is a little girl who likes him and has been trying to drag him into crime. Alicia. Nice girl for a scofflaw.

It's swing season in Rochester. The first to go up was just a rope with a loop in the bottom. A fine first step. Only involved shimmying up our apple tree to tie the bowline. I'd show it here but (1) I didn't get a photo of Sam using it; and (2) it looks a lot like a noose for groundhogs. You can see the next one, which will involve an actual wooden seat.

Other than that... the part of the prefrontal cortex devoted to marble racers has had a sudden period of growth. Sam's been building some really nice ones for the first time.

He's also been chewing on the cuffs of his sleeves a lot. Which, again, doesn't make for a great, heart-warming photo.

And he was introduced this last week to cookie-dough ice cream. We let him have some after dinner yesterday, which prompted, "This is a good day, INDEED!"

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