Monday, April 19, 2010

Nana and Grandpa Collins visit!

Had a great visit with Nana & Grandad, who came up the weekend after Easter.

Some highlights:
  • Nana reading to Sam the story of the foreget-me-not (shown here)
  • N&G coming with us to Sam's Saturday Music-Makers class, and sitting with us in the uber-hip cafe which the Eastman students frequent (N&G shown here walking there with us)
  • Sam showing off for Nana his marble racers (he's using both of his sets now, though only the old one is pictured)
  • Dinner out, on N&G, at Olive Garden
  • Grandad reading to Sam
  • Nana's conspiratorial whispering to Sam in their row of the minivan!
It was truly a treat having N&G visit. :-)

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