Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Nocturne #1 in Pajamas
A little movie of Susan and Sam étuding for the pleasure of our guest, Aunt Carolyn. (Reminds me of Gershwin. The music, I mean, not A.C.) And farewell to Aunt Carolyn, whom we were happy to have join us overnight last week and this. See you next time we are in Columbus!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The latest theological question

To her credit, Susan did a nice job talking about the Fall.
Getting ready for, and excited about, taking Sam on his first camping trip at Higley Flow State Park. Just an overnight while we are up at camp. If all goes well.
Also thinking of a little hike from Adirondack Loj to Marcy Dam, near Lake Placid. The trip to the Rockies got me in mind of this. I had briefly courted the idea of camping overnight up there, until I realized there aren't any toilets, which might be too big a leap for Sam.
Science museums are hard to do well.
In an effort to translate the cool ideas into something that works on a kiosk, they tend to turn into simple games, short looping movies, science toys, or, well, freak shows. The brain exhibits included all of these. A looping movie on the brain; a variant of the old game "Operation" which had something, I suppose, to do with brains--I can't recall what; not one but two kiosks talking about trephining and holes in the head; and a bigger demonstration about information traveling down synapses, represented by balls rolling through chutes.
Balls through chutes! Long-time readers will recognize an obsession of Sam's.
Unfortunately, like two or three others, it wasn't working.
This didn't stop Sam from staring at it, studying it, trying to figure out how to fix it, and even approaching complete strangers to tell them about it and ask for their help. Many times he urged me to talk to the staff (which I did as we were leaving), and we returned twice to the exhibit--I suppose on the off chance they'd sent someone up to fix it.
He really wants to go back. [Update: As of Monday, it was fixed, and Sam fix-ated!]
What else? Had some trampoline time at Katrina Boris' graduation party (fun was had by all); waded in the creek; met some neighbors (Trevor, 4, and Luke, 6, who were splashing each other in the creek in a spontaneous aquatic reenactment of the Civil War); wrote birth-parent letters and repeated Sam's life story to him.
Oh yes. The other picture shows Sam and Susan working on a Lego city for Sam's new snakes. To his meager collection of three tiny snakes from Colorado (Lime, Orange and Lava), he now has several larger snakes, a surprise gift from Aunt Ruth. And Sam hates to see his snakes homeless.
Oh, hey! Can't quit without the Wildlife Update™ . Back in Colorado Marlene almost stepped on a Bull Snake, and again the coyotes came closer to their house this week--Marlene, am I remembering this right?

Must be the good weather--the wildlife's encroaching from all sides. In the nearby ridiculously named suburb of Chili, a deer burst through a window and ran through a family's house. Ironically, they had recently moved from the city to avoid break-ins. Young Brandon did what anyone of his generation would--shot footage with his cell phone:
"Oh yeah, obviously,” said Brandon Wilson. “I'm a 20-year-old kid just waiting for things to happen. That's why I have that type of phone just in case something does happen. I'm always ready."Makes me proud to be a Rochesterian. :-)
A good weekend. Hope yours was as well!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Get Well, Zoe
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Okay, a movie or two.

Also, two bunnies frolicking in our front yard.
We are back in Rochester. Sorry to leave Erie, but nice to see the grounds again, humble though they may be.
The movies:
- From last week. I was taking a very brief break from sessions to read a paper at the conference, when I was spotted by Susan and Sam, who had just been swimming. Remember, this is in the Rockies at a resort/conference center.
- From the flight back (Denver to Chicago). We were bored, so played a little three-way Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock (which we learned about from Big Bang Theory).
Hope they amuse...
Saturday, June 19, 2010

When they first moved out here, they found five black widow spiders on their property, though only one was in their house, so I suppose it's not worth worrying about.
That's it for now! One more day here, then Sunday morning we fly back to reality... We will be very sad to say goodbye to the Colorado cousins!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Today we learner that the beautiful black-and-white crow-sized birds are magpies. And twice we've seen what a local tells us is a scrawny coyote sniffing around. Nice to see new animals. Took the scenic route to spot elk on the way home tonight, but no luck.
Then a visit to a little park with a stream running through it. Sam and I went across the clear icy alpine water to explore a little island there.

All in all very pleasant.

Also pictured: a concrete structure in a small playground in downtown Aspen.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Snowmass Village

It apparently snowed here Saturday. Sunday it was in the 50s. Monday it was in the 50s and rainy.

Much better today.
Today it was sunny and in the mid 70s. We are at the Anomalous Absorption Conference. (I'll be impressed if anyone can figure out why, and just as impressed if anyone cares!) It's a small conference, always at resort towns. There are sessions in the morning and the evening, and the afternoons are free. So this afternoon we went to a hike near the Maroon Bells peaks. The brave go up to Crater Lake; we went on the "Scenic Loop", which was just the right speed for the three of us.

We are thankful to God for a good and done talk this morning, for a much better behaved Sam, and for the beauties of his creation. Wow.
Two days and we head out of the mountains to visit Tim and Marlene--what a treat! It's been too long.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
The Devil's Bathtub

Took Sam to Mendon Ponds Saturday afternoon. What fun! This time we hiking the trail past the Devil's Bathtub. You drive up a steep hill and park next to a shelter, then hike down a steep path and proceed with the trail.

It's late, and that's the news!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Memorial Day
First, Sam in a new house handed down from cousin Emily. In this photo it's set up on M&D's porch, with sheets draped from it to the nearby furniture to make tunnels.

Second photo: Mom's pond and garden are in full bloom, and she had Sam's assistance feeding the hungry fish.

The one person who doesn't show up in the group photo is Amy's friend and colleague Johnsi, who is from India and visiting Columbus' Chase branch for six months.

We made the rounds at the local playgrounds. You see here Stu and Em on an interesting teeter-totter.
One thing which was noteworthy about this trip: For the first time, with Sam, we made it in 6.5 hrs. He's old enough now that we didn't need to stop for a meal. So nice!
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