Monday, June 21, 2010

Get Well, Zoe

Zoe went in to the vet today to have a tooth yanked and to get an x ray, since she's been losing weight and it's unclear whether the problem is cancer or her kidneys.

So Sam drew her a get-well card.

Here it is.


Anonymous said...

Awww. Poor Zoe! How sweet.
love, AA

Spud said...

That's extraordinarily good for a note-yet-in kindergarten kid. Nice job, Sam! But what did they decide about Zoe? We want to know!

Susan Gilbert-Collins said...

Thanks for asking!

Zoe's been losing weight and drinking a lot of water.

Her kidney's appear fine--which, due to the limitations of the test, just means they are functioning at 25% or better.

The X-ray showed no sign of cancer though cancer's notoriously hard to spot in cats, they tell us.

But she got a tooth yanked which was in a bad way, and that should make her happier. Besides that, we just wait and see what develops.