Sessions in the morning, then afternoon in nearby Aspen.

Simple day: Short hike at a nature centery place. (Shown here.)
Today we learner that the beautiful black-and-white crow-sized birds are
magpies. And twice we've seen what a local tells us is a scrawny coyote sniffing around. Nice to see new animals. Took the scenic route to spot elk on the way home tonight, but no luck.
Then a visit to a little park with a stream running through it. Sam and I went across the clear icy alpine water to explore a little island there.

Then he played for a LONG time with Sophie, a 7-yr-old who has two older siblings and was happy to be the knowledgeable one for a change. We chatter with her British mother who runs, with he husband, a restaurant up in a nearby valley between two peaks, which in the winter is accessible only by cross-country skis or horse-drawn sleigh.
All in all very pleasant.

Then returned library books, and wandered around and found a restaurant to eat at, the Red Onion. Ate outside while a hammered dulcimer was played nearby. Sam had a waffle while we ate trout, views of quaint buildings and mountains all around. Extremely pleasant.
Also pictured: a concrete structure in a small playground in downtown Aspen.

Tomorrow we drive four hours out of the mountains to Erie....
Regarding wildlife: While eating dinner Susan looked over and noticed that there was a hummingbird flying around in the neighboring store, bouncing against the plate-glass window trying to get out. Not long thereafter he did.
Also, in our hike Tuesday there was a beaver lodge (complete with permanent sign talking about beavers). Which reminded us of home, since we had a beaver dam downstream in our creek, which recently got washed away during a big thunderstorm.
If it hadn't been washed away, maybe we could have put out a big, permanent state-parkish sign.
haha! I'm sure your neighbors would have loved to have a new sign in their yard.l,AA
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