At the county park Mendon Ponds today was Winterfest, a collection of cold-weather activities. We went there for the last two hours and got in on lots of fun things, including sledding and visiting the injured-bird sanctuary.

At the sanctuary we saw owls of various sizes (all hit by cars and unable to fly), a golden eagle which was shot by a farmer in Seattle (he was then prosecuted), a turkey vulture which was harassing people at a downtown MacDonald's(!), and a bobcat which was declawed in preparation for being sold as a pet before the authorities put a stop to it. The woman talking to visitors about the bobcat was in the cage with him swinging a ball back and forth to play with him. Susan asked if he was dangerous, and she said, Not unless she made him unhappy!

The owls were fascinating. One was actually blind; another--a "soffit" owl, was shorter than a blue jay, and according to the person holding him, quite feisty.

There were plenty of other things going on: people showing more winter animals; free rides in a horse-drawn cart (thanks to the Rotary club); delicious-smelling food; balloon animals; and I even saw a group out on the frozen lake. Interestingly, they had a HUGE kite anchored to the ice.

One last image: We came home with frozen toes and eager to get into the warmth. The cold took its toll, though, and you will see Sam, stricken with ICE MADNESS, with his pants on his head.

Or maybe he's just a goofy five-year-old...

1 comment:
Goofy five-year-old with a COLD BUTT. Silly Sammy.
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