An eventful weekend. Included are photos of Sam at Friday Gym Frolics, a small-group baby shower, and Sunday Easter-egg dying. (Dieing?)

At FGF Sam is shown playing with a parachute, and rescuing "canaries" from the "cat"--i.e., Mister Dave. This was Friday afternoon, and my first time attending. Fun!

Our generous small-group friends held a baby shower for Joshua. They were all very kind about including Sam as well. Hors d'oevres, pleasant conversation and very thoughtful gifts!

Notice Dave Dill reading to Sam. Despite plans to go on a trip the next day, Heidi and Dave agreed, last-minute, to host, when an emergency made the Elliots' unavailable. On top of them, they were very king about playing with Sam the whole time. It was a restful evening to say the least.

All this is in addition to the many very thoughtful gifts which our families have sent from afar (or sent by courier--Stu!). And some local friends have even given us meals, which has proven
immensely useful! I had wondered if the attitude with #2 would be: We gave you gifts for #1; for #2, well, you knew what was coming! But the generosity keeps flowing.
Sunday Susan ran to get an Easter-egg dyeing kit. Much fun was had by all. The April weather's in the mid 40s with high winds, so we are stuck inside.

Little Micron continues to be very even-tempered. He nominally goes 2-3 hours between feedings, which ought to mean that if we take shifts we could each get 4-6 hours of sleep at a stretch. Unfortunately, he was up another three separate hours, once with gas pains, the other two... I am not sure. Susan drew the short straw for them. Tomorrow morning we take him to the doc for his first well-baby-sleepy-parent checkup. We will be interested to hear what he says. Josh's getting gas drops with each meal, but given last night's experience, saying they are preventing gas is a little like saying they are keeping the crocodiles away. Correlation, causation, blah blah blah.

But I am not willing to stop using them.
Sam s taking the new addition quite well, all told. But lack of sleep and stress has made him more, well, energetic. I wonder if in the next week, we'll get to see a little resentment peeking through? Nothing we can't all handle together.
Other than that, lots and lots of laundry, and the realization that it's sometimes challenging to time our naps with Josh's as well as Sam's tv time.
Speaking of which, time to switch laundry and close my eyes! This week, back in at work for half days while Sam is home for an ill-timed Spring break.
More soon.