Hi all! Exciting day yesterday. Right now Joshua is sleeping in the car seat in the kitchen, so I have a moment to send some info. Recall Uncle Stu drove up Tuesday night. Yesterday morning we all headed out for Syracuse at 10 AM. After a quick lunch (Red Lobster--our tradition whenever we adopt), we went to the agency.

First we signed several documents, while Stu and Sam read books in a waiting room. Then the foster couple came in with Joshua. She is a retired nurse, and did us some important favors by discovering which diapers he doesn't wet through, and by identifying the right brand of formula to use. (On two standard brands he was terribly constipated--five days!) They were a sweet couple, and this was their first time as foster parents, and it was clear they loved him tremendously and took great care of him. The notes she gave us read like a manual designed particularly for him.

We talked for quite some time with them and the agency staff. (In the photo below, Linda, our caseworker, is on the right, and the foster father is on the left.) It's always an exciting day for them as well when everything comes together. We left around 3:30. Joshua was a good traveler all the way back to Rochester, waking up at the very end to tell us with indignation that he was due for a feeding.

Sam was great through the whole thing. He is in heaven when Uncle Stu plays with him. But he's also really taken to the idea of being an older brother. So, no resentment as yet. I am hopeful he'll continue to have a good attitude, at least most of the time.

Last night we didn't get all that much sleep. The foster mother said he's been sleeping 3-4 hours between feedings, but the cold (I turn the heat to 62 at night) and the new environment had him up more often, and us with him. Tonight we'll be smart and go to sleep a little earlier.
A few more details: Joshua is so good and agreeable thus far, although we had some questions in the night about what he needed and when. Susan likes to play a game with him where she sticks out her tongue, and he studies this carefully, and eventually he sticks out his tongue back at her. He's very alert during wakeful times and really reminds us of Sam in this regard! He seems to like cuddling and being held very much.

WOOOOOOOOO!!!! Welcome, Joshua... we love you! =D
Why are Tim and Stu wearing the same sweater?
@Amy: Good question! No reason, really. Just worked out that way. :-)
@Jess: Thanks from Joshua! We are praying for your gotcha day to arrive speedily!
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