Thursday, April 28, 2011


In Tuscaloosa they got a mile-wide tornado ("bigger than 100 elephants stacked on one another?", Sam asked) and Rochester got a heavy downpour. We won't complain.

Especially since the quick rainfall raised the creek higher than a neighbor, who's lived in the 'hood 30 years, has ever seen. The creek was flowing over the small footbridge you can see from our house, and was 3-4 times wider than usual--maybe more. The level was above the top of the culvert. The waterfall where the culvert empties on the other side of the road was a crashing torrent. (See the second and third photos.)

It goes without saying that Sam and I had to investigate. We were rewarded with a beautiful rosy sunset, a huge arcing rainbow, and the company of several fellow gawkers.

Hope you enjoy the photos!

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