The drive down to Columbus, thanks to God's merciful care, went just fine. Josh slept almost the whole way. It took 50% longer than usual, but that's not unexpected.

Got to enjoy Columbus in late May, which we rarely get to see. It's Columbus at its finest, when Rochester is still cool and Columbus is well into summer.
We got to be present for, and celebrate, the high-school g

raduation of Sam and Josh's cousin Emily. Congrats, Em! Tuesday night we celebrate the same for his cousin Katie from SD. Woohoo!

As I write this I can hear bird noises coming from my parents' bedroom. Mind you, it's 11 PM.

After church this morning (at St. Pat's), one of the clergy, Cricket, had golf on the lawn for the kids. Sam was 50% of the kids and contributed his fair share of enthusiasm, especially after it transitioned to kicking a big bouncy ball. Fittingly, inside Dad was leading Sunda
y school on the topic of The Theology of Golf.