Sunday, May 8, 2011

Chika, Hideto, Ryo and life since

Ten days ago, our good friends from Japan, Chika and Hideto, and their son Ryo (who is 8), visited for four days. It was great to see them! We visited the Play Museum, hiked in Linear Park, went out for Mexican and Japanese (though not at the same time), and had a great time catching up. Chika was tremendously helpful in holding and feeding Josh while we did other things, and Ryo was also enamored of the littlest guy, often asking to hold him.

Since then Sam has also gotten into the act, as you can see.

They struggled with sleep during their time here. I am still unsure whether they ever made it onto a diurnal schedule.

Since then... since then's been a blur. Susan's birthday, Mother's Day, and about every other night going well these days. Yesterday took Sam and Josh to the zoo.

Josh was content being wheeled around in the stroller and Sam always enjoys t
he zoo.
We often see something new. This time, two: We got to see the tiger at feeding t
ime, ripping open a paper box filled with hamburger.

And we got to see two large tortoises working on making little tortoises while a teenage girl stood by giggling. Could have done without the latter. The former brought to mind the Ogden Nash poem,

See the happy bounding flea
You cannot the he from she
But she
can tell, and so can he.

Other than that, not much going on. Which is good--that's plenty.

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