Josh's graduated to the crib, and with it the plush safari-animal mobile. He saw it for the first time at 11 pm last night when he was starting to pass out. Instantly he was awake and excited, talking to them and us.

A new Josh experience for me last night: It was my turn to give him a bottle at 2 AM. Susan handed it to me as I sat in the rocker, Josh in my lap.
Next thing I knew, I came to, and the bottle was empty and sitting nearby and Josh was asleep in my arms. I have no memory of giving him the bottle, and at first thought I hadn't. First time I've ever fed anyone in my sleep!
Today is Science Friday at MSR (but on Wednesday). I am bringing in a guest scientist: my officemate John. The theme is Projectiles and Rockets. He'll show an air rocket (a nerf toy), a water rocket, and some chemical rockets (Estes B and C). And the coup de grace will be the trebuchet he and his son built a year and a half ago as a high-school project. Should be fun! We'll use it to shoot tennis balls and water balloons. We'll even have the LLE staff photographer, Eugene, on hand, so I hope to have a photo or two to share in a future post.
Oh! And as a bonus, here's a time-lapse movie I found of the same sort of antfarm as Sam has.
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