Monday, November 7, 2011

A.A. visit

At school Sam's class made flags from around the world
A recent, heart-warming conversation:

Sam: All kids are not orphans, are they?
Susan: No. An orphan is someone without any parents, living in an orphanage.
Sam: I know. I wish I could be a orphan because it sounds exciting
Susan: Wouldn't you miss your parents? You can't do that--your parents would miss you too much!
Sam: Well, if I were a orphan, you'd be dead or something, right?

A psychologist will give this as evidence that Sam feels safe in his current context and relationships. 


Quality/TV time
Amy visit this weekend. As you can see, she caught up on a little sleep.  :-)

She also attended small group with us (not that there was much choice--we hosted!) and went to Sam's music class and the library with us as well and played with Sam and held Josh. Very good getting some Amy time!

And witness Sam's breaking open of geodes he just received from Nana and Grandad. (See movie.) Sam was very thrilled!

He enjoyed the geodes enough that last night he indicated some large geode bookends I have, and said he'd like to have those too. 

So not only would life be more exciting with us dead, he is already picking through our belongings. Well, the geodes, anyway.

Josh and Sam have head colds, and Susan's starting down that road too. Not terrible, but Josh is having trouble sleeping while lying down. You know, the preferred way. Ah, well: First-World Problems.

Have a great week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not much better in the world than napping with an almost-six-year-old laying on you. Delightful. No sarcasm at all.