Monday, November 21, 2011

A passel of photos and some news

Shown first--a fun birthday gift from the Mansons to Sam. It's a block of clay which has imbedded in it ten things to find, including fossils, a shark tooth, a gem, and rocks. The owner is to slowly chip away with authentic-looking tools. Sam's been having a lot of fun with it.  Didn't hurt that he found the shark tooth right away. I've given him a center punch to use which has sped up the excavation a little. Thanks, Mansons!

Also shown at the bottom of this post: Sam's new Drinking Glasses, being enjoyed with milk. Never has it looked more studious to drink milk! Thanks, Nana and Grandad!

Josh continues to thrive. He loves to suck on the finials of our dining-room chairs--he's pictured here taking a break from enjoying one. He's now able to pull himself up to a sitting position, which is typically followed by his crowing with delight while playing with some previously-unreachable toy.

Speaking of unreachable, we need to baby-proof the house. This weekend we twice had a fire in the fireplace and Josh eyed it with great curiosity.

We may also just not leave him alone with a fire.

The real news this past week was Grandpa Gene's visit. From what I've been told, all went well and the visit was a smashing success. (If for no other reason than no one got sick! Last visit from Grandpa Gene saw him sick with a stomach 'flu. It took no little courage, I think, to return to Rochester.)

Grandpa Gene played with Josh and read to Sam and a good time was had by all. It's especially nice to know we'll see G. G. before the year is out...

And now, I leave you with this, from Susan:

Sam (having just been returned to his bed): But I'm scared.
Me: What are you scared of?
Sam: Monsters.
Me: Fortunately, as you well know, there's no such thing as monsters.
Sam: Burglars.
Me:'s a safe house, well-lit, good neighborhood...
Sam: Meteor showers?

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