Tuesday, February 21, 2012

From Susan: 

Ruth knew that I was looking for recipes that Sam might enjoy cooking with me (other than baking, which we already do), so she sent us a Gooseberry Patch cookbook for kids. Sam was very excited and chose the spaghetti pie recipe for our first attempt. 

We made it last night and it was such fun. Sam cracked his first egg and did splendidly. He even got his (well-washed) hands into the beef to help me mix in the bread crumbs; I was surprised he'd agree to do that. He also added spaghetti to boiling water, mixed the egg into the cooked spaghetti, etc. 

And when it was time to eat, he ate the whole top layer of his piece: wouldn't touch the beef "pie crust," which didn't surprise me, but he ate up the spaghetti/sauce/cheese layer, which did surprise me, since it was all mixed together and he knew the spaghetti had been mixed with egg. If I had just cooked this myself and put it in front of him, I'm sure he wouldn't have touched it!

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