Sunday, February 5, 2012

Weekend update

Sam, given an apple to eat, creates a new friend.
Josh, this last week, started sleeping cuddled up to his moo-cow pillow pet.

Daddy, passed out on Josh's level, s a toy.

In a windstorm a month ago this widowmaker came down. It plunged into the earth and has been sticking there ever since as a monument to the wisdom of not standing under old oaks during wind storms.

Sam's spent the weekend working on a 23-page illustrated book. Literally hours just writing and drawing.

This afternoon, the second birthday party in a month at Chuck E. Cheese's. Arg.

Josh is crawling, crawling, crawling. And we are in the thick of training him to put himself to sleep. Two nights ago that meant 90 minutes of listening to him cry in the middle of the night. We are told it only takes a week of this.  (Not all nights are that bad.) Our pediatrician said yesterday, "Have courage! Don't give up!"

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