Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A successful venture into "society"

Ordering. Note Josh pulling on Susan necklace, which he would later also suck on contentedly

From Susan, after our dinner at "1844 House", a nice restaurant between Potsdam and Canton, New York:

Cost of son #1's good behavior at a very nice restaurant: conversation about what the point of dinner at a very nice restaurant is, and how one behaves to family and to restaurant staff; mild threats; one bribe of an after-dinner scavenger hunt ending in a $2.50 toy prize, should dinner go well.

Cost of son #2's good behavior at a very nice restaurant: Cheerio appetizer; one walk outside before soup and salads arrive; several diversionary tactics involving bottles, peek-a-boo, Daddy's keys, and Mommy's keys; Mommy's cell phone offered as a rare sacrificial "toy" for end-of-meal peace.

Hearing the waitress say at the end of dinner that we have such beautiful children, and they are so very well-behaved: PRICELESS.

Josh in the parking lot before the arrival of bread or salads. The boys got to spend a good 30-40 minutes after the meal there as well

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great story and a nice dinner to book! Excellent.