Thursday, August 23, 2012

some perspective

Some artwork Sam did over breakfast. 

Last night a neighbor eagerly told a story about his grand-daughter in which she used the word "nocturnal" to describe a security guard. He was very proud. Having heard Sam use nocturnal, diurnal, etc., I didn't respond with the same level of enthusiasm.  Having a slightly older boy I think I am harder to impress. 

Which is my way of saying, I know I may be the only one who finds Sam's drawings (below) very interesting, in which case I am saving this for posterity and you can skip this post. 

I know they aren't flawless.  He applies perspective inconsistently. A wall in the upper right actually touches the horizon without diminishing to nothing. Still, he really gets 3-D volumes well for his age, at least.

Click the image to see it full-screen and not cut off on the right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So what's the guy doing at the river? Just across from where the water is water-falling in... Or maybe it's his mother putting Moses in the water to save him?

Btw, when I enlarge the photo, I don't see any more than when it's small.