Sunday, October 14, 2012

Closing up for Winter

Closed up camp last weekend. Got to spend a day first enjoying a fine fall day. Well, not completely--Susan at that point had undiagnosed strep throat. But we tried to make the best of it. Here are some photos:

The boys lounging at camp

The fall colors--so nice!

Loved the reflection

Found a playground at the Colton-Pierpont Central School. Josh enjoyed the Extremely Safe Swings

Leaves floating in the cold, cold water. Thanks to the new well,  and Mom and Dad's taking out the deck in August, I didn't have to get wet. Phew.

Sam, passing the time drawing, while Zoe looked on

This is out of place, but I like it. It's Josh at the garden outside the Play Museum. So many neat things about being 1.5!

Josh, going for a two-fer!

This past weekend Sam and I did a camping overnight with the Calvin Cadet Corps (or, as we call them, the "Calvinistas"). Photos from that soon...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a new sport - Extreme Swinging!