From Susan, at bedtime tonight:
Sam, fingering my wedding ring at bedtime in an attempt to stall: Is that a real diamond? Me: Yes. Sam: WOW, you're rich! [speculates on actual value] And is that gold? Me: Yes. Sam: I mean, like, REAL gold. Me: Yes. Sam: BWAHAHAHAHA I WANT ONE.
So Sam wants to get married so he can have a gold wedding ring and be RICH -- RICH, I tell you!
Forgot to mention that recently I asked Sam who he'd played with at recess that day, and he said Connor. I asked what they did, and he said they played the Anything Game. He explained you can be Anyone, Do Anything and can win Any Way You Want. They both, as it turns out, were the Best Ninja Ever, which he also explained was okay, and not paradoxical, because after all it's the Anything Game, right?
Tonight over dinner he read aloud from a fictionalization of the real life incident where a bull shark, in 1916, swam ten miles upstream from the New Jersey shore and killed somebody and wounded someone else. Very exciting!
Yesterday we went to a mid-afternoon wedding of a good friend's oldest daughter. Thanks to beloved Dianka for the great photos of the afternoon while we were in Binghamton!
Josh, reading |
Josh and Zoe, both hoping to escape from the family room |
Josh just his head down and said, "Night night." |
Here Josh picked up his backpack, put it on (with a little assistance), and stood at the gate, clearly waiting the leave, just as Sam does every morning! (Nana--Just as you planned!!) |
Josh can now clutch onto the chains well enough to swing! |