Saturday, March 9, 2013

Been a while! Here are some recent photos of the boys and one of a drawing. 

This is from a game where Josh would cover himself with pillows and then cry out "Help!" It was, literally, a cry for help. He was having fun, though.

Last Saturday, Max of the children's cartoon Max and Ruby made an appearance at the local library. Josh is a fan, so we made sure to take him there. He was both excited and freaked by Max. Max in the cartoons is different. The Max at the library is much bigger (obviously), and doesn't talk, just lurks there quietly. Josh was right to be cautious.

Sam drew this monster grappling with a launching rocket in celebration of his cousin Jon's upcoming nuptials

At the YMCA is a big, big climbing thing with tubes and nets and tunnels, probably 30 feet high. Given what a climber Josh is, it was inevitable that he would be drawn to it. This past week he and Sam went up in it. He was in heaven. came down the big twisty tube slide with Sam. Mind you, it's very hard for adults to navigate. So if we go to the Y, he'll want to go up, and how to we get him down again? As Susan put it, "How do we keep him down on the farm?"

Here's Josh being entertained with sorting pre-cooked pasta of different shapes. :-) Also been pouring rice from one vessel into another. And consequently onto the floor. Keeps him happily focused for vast stretches of time.

This morning Susan spotted four deer wandering across our back yard:
Susan: Look, there are four deer crossing the back yard!
Sam: Wow. They must be a pack. Or else it's a really big coincidence.

When Susan started smiling Sam was very curious to find what he'd said that was funny.

Sam's come out with some funny seven-year-old lines lately. Last night, as our family headed to Weg's for a quick grocery run, he said, "I'm going to close my eyes all the way to the store, for no apparent reason." Yes, we thought, well said!

This coming Friday Sam's been invited to his first sleepover. Just five boys, and we are assured peanut and girl free. Still trying to decide if it's a good idea or not!

Josh hasn't been without personality, for his part. Quoth Susan:
Josh loves his sitters, but lately, his routine when I reappear to relieve a sitter is this: He runs toward me whimpering, and once he's in my arms, turns to the sitter and says, "Bye-bye," very bluntly, several times.
Enough for now! Hope you are all well.

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