Monday, March 18, 2013

Josh's Second Birthday

This evening after dinner we celebrated Joshie's Second Birthday! This morning when I wished him a happy birthday he looked happy and shy, leading me to think that he knows what that means. 

Susan made Josh his favorite--spaghetti with meatballs--and gave him a chocolate cake. With some effort Josh managed to blow out the candles. 

He was delighted by the cake and the gifts, and played with the gifts for quite some time. And Sam was really good with Josh also, and really focused on Josh. Not easy for a second grader!

Josh focused on each new toy, and, gratifyingly, seemed to love them all. 

Following a suggestion made by Sue long ago, we put the chocolate cake on a plate in front of Josh, without any utensils, and let him have at it. He lay about him ferociously, and I can tell you, got the better of that thing.

Josh received a second Elmo, larger than his first, and was in heaven, Here he's clinging to both of them. 

Josh showing Susan his new Max and Ruby movie!!

Josh was even excited by his new clothes from Nana and Grandad!

Josh was very excited by his new Fisher-Price airplane. He played with it for quite some time. :-)

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