Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Happy Easter!

Had a pleasant Easter weekend. On Saturday, got the boys out for a little hike in Linear Park--the same hike Josh and I did in the snow not so long ago on his little sled. 

The weather was cool but pleasant. We saw many fishermen, who all reported that the trout were content just gazing impassively at whatever was put before them. But then, this was late afternoon. The water was high with snow melt, which captivated Josh, who would point at it and say in wonder, Water! 

Sunday we at the Elliots over for a pleasant and memorable Easter feast. The boys got decked out in shirts an ties for church, and later went for an Easter-egg hunt, and got to chew the ears off hollow chocolate bunnies. No tradition was neglected. 

Worth noting that we were all finally feeling mostly healthy again. A great Easter gift.

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