Friday, April 12, 2013

Sam, lying underneath the disk swing as it glides over his head

From Susan:

Okay, now I feel old... Sam and I were talking about how maybe someday we'll learn all sorts of neat, mind-blowing things in heaven that our brains currently can't grasp. And Sam said, most enthusiastically, "Mom, I wish I were as old as you so I could die sooner!"
Thank you, son. Thank you for reminding me just how close to death I am...
From me:
This year Sam's been doing subtraction with "borrowing." Except he said tonight it's not really borrowing. It's taking and using. Those little ones never get returned.
Another observation from Sam:
"If you could see through everything, then you couldn't see anything."
Yes! We talked about Superman's X-ray vision after that.

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