Sunday, June 23, 2013

The weekend.

Family movie night Friday night. Saw Escape From Planet Earth, a Pixar film which owes a lot to Brendan Frasier. Ate homemade pizza on trays while watching. A good time had by all.

Saturday... took the boys swimming at the Y in the morning. After that Sam went next door to a birthday party, and after that we went out and bought some annuals to plop into the flower beds by the front door.

Today, Sunday, church, skyped with Uncle Stu and cousin Kevin, then the neighborhood boys converged. At first they gathered in the play set while Sam read scary stories to them, and then they hung out in the sandbox. Amazingly, they all played well together. Heidi and Frank next door actually kidnapped Joshie for a while and let him play in their wading pool.

All in all, a very good weekend.

Sam at the birthday party

Skyping with uncle Stu

The boys listening to Sam read spooky stories

...while Josh played quietly in the water table

The throng; two more showed up a little later, I think

After being outside all afternoon Sam and Josh played with marble racers

And what day is complete without both boys pretending to be cats?

Hope your weekend was pleasant as well!

Monday, June 17, 2013

It was the best of times, it was...

Every year the Cadets troop take a two-night camping trip on private land, affectionately called Agony Acres, a little under an hour south in an area of rolling hills and farmland. The land is forested and the camping area on a the side of a large hill, next to a beautiful stream. We had twelve boys and four counselors, one of which only stayed the first night (as did I--see below). My hat's off to Tim and Danny for managing the kids all on their own that second night!

Campers park a little ways into the property, then hike 1/4 mi. to the camp sites. One four-wheel-drive vehicle is usually used to haul in most of the equipment. The four-wheel drive is necessary given the three streams that cross the dirt/grass road. In one spot the stream has partially eroded the road. I am not a conservative driver, but I wouldn't have attempted it. The driver did a nice job, though, and we only got stuck and had to push him out once. 

We arrived around 7:00 Friday. Camp was set up by 8:00 and Sam was looking pekid and asking to go to bed early. He even turned down s'mores. Very unlike him! So I bundled him up and got him to bed. Stayed up til 11:30 myself preparing for Saturday devotions based on a neat idea from Susan: You know the verse, 
"whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things"?
Susan pointed out that when she's been anxious she's taken this to heart and thought about the horse Seabiscuit, who has a very inspirational story. So I was reading up on Seabiscuit, figuring I would tell that story first and that would hook the kids.

Anyway, out went the light at 11:30, and at midnight Sam was vomiting. Luckily I had a towel handy and was able to catch it all, double bag it and eject it. Kept another towel handy and was glad for that at 3 a.m. Made it through the night, seeing almost every hour on the way.

If you know Sam, you aren't surprised that the next morning he seemed just fine. We all hiked out to a local pond and the boys spent some time fishing (during which I hauled our gear back out). Sam fished for the first time and caught his first fish, a small-mouth bass about 6-8" long. Fun! Also stuck his hand in the water so tadpoles could nibble on it. 

After more local exploration, during which Sam found a very nice fossil of a seashell (!!), we did devotions (while the other counselors hunted for a lost cell phone), had lunch, and did more exploring, I drove Sam back. He laid low and thanks to ibuprofen managed not to throw up again. Sunday morning the doc looked at him and was so impressed by his scarlet throat that he invited us to take a look at well. Sam just finished up antibiotics for strep throat on Wed or Thu, and he's back on them again. The doc says that the day a boy stops antibiotics is the day he can catch strep again, whether the same strain or another. Hopefully Josh will avoid it again.

Had a very pleasant Father's day rattling around home on Sunday. Below are some photos. Enjoy...

I had never seen a salamander up close, let alone the vast supply  on Agony Acres. They were under about every rock. The boys had a great time finding them.

Sam's first fishing experience! Paul, if you are reading this, would Sam be able to catch anything off the dock up at camp? What would he use for bait/lure?

Sam at 8:30 Friday night. Back when all seemed well...

This stream was heaven for the boys. They could have spent all day rambling around there, exploring.

Sunday night at bedtime. Josh must do everything Sam does. Sam's reading a book of Far Side cartoons, the bulk of which he seems to get.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Our new cat

Recent updates from Susan, at the front:

  • Monday: Just found Josh on top of the piano dropping money into a lamp.
  • Wednesday: Josh's new "naked" strategy: take off diaper while hiding behind a living room chair. When Mom approaches, throw diaper in one direction and run in the other.
  • Wednesday againTim Gilbert, do you remember pretending to be a dog when you were little and eating off a bowl on the floor? Well, I just put down a bowl of goldfish crackers for my "kitty," who is meowing and sticking his face in the bowl to eat them. I just hope he doesn't expect his own litter box.
  • Four hours agoThe Collins/Gilbert-Collins household: where "Keep your pants on" is no longer just an expression.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Butterfly conservatory

As part of their butterfly research, Sam's class took a trip a few weeks ago to the butterfly conservatory at the play museum. 

Susan went along as a chaperone, so we got a few photos...

Sam looks more and more like Pearl every day. Notice btw the moth on the piece of wood.

The play museum staff had them act out emerging from a chrysalis. An excellent second-grade activity, if you ask me.

Sam with his classmates. (Guess the boys must be hidden in the back.)
Okay, and two more holdovers:

From a week or two ago: Josh inside the dish washer box. (Thanks to his sitter, Dianka!)

Sam and A.A. over Mem. Day.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Tonight, to celebrate Sam's good marks on his butterfly report, we went to a local Gelato place. On the way we were gifted with a treat which put the boys in heaven: a freight which we were able to run ahead of, then park and wait for. We got to watch the whole thing lumber by at a speed just faster than a seven-year-old running. Loud and huge and impressive. Josh was in seventh heaven. Afterward he told us several times how much he liked it. 

Josh was also EXTREMELY EXCITED by the gelato, to the point of dancing around the store.

The gang.

Friday night Josh charmed the Bible study by joining in. After, that is, inducing David  and Heidi to sit on the floor with him. How did he accomplish this? He asked them. He's hard to refuse.

Eight days of school left, which I suspect is contributing to Sam's difficulties falling asleep. He's always up til 10 pm and always tired in the mornings. We are working on this. The solution may just be the end of school. (Yes, in New York you are in school til the solstice or thereabouts. Isn't that cruel?)

Not much else to report. Puttered around home both Saturday and Sunday. The biggest outting (aside from gelato) was a trip to the library. Ah, the library. Wednesday I go into Sam's class to do math-related magic tricks. Other than that, a quiet week ahead, the Lord willing.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Joshie update

Sam's home sick, recovering from strep. But today's photos are of Josh:

Josh, yesterday, enjoying the sunny weather down by the stream. Actually, I think it looks like  a high-school graduation photo. The years go by so fast.  :-)

Found that some neighbors were getting rid of this, so I grabbed it Saturday while  wandering the neighborhood with Josh. Saturday was a day of high humidity, heat, bright sunshine and sudden downpours. The house came in handy avoiding some of the rain.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

More sandy fun

Quiet weekend. So quiet I am having a hard time remembering yesterday at all. OH YES: Took Sam to Epic in 3D(!!) to celebrate being done with his butterfly report. 

And ate out with friends at Red Lobster.

And were summoned back by a phone call indicating that Sam wasn't feeling well (headache). 

At least it was when we were about to leave.

Because Susan wasn't feeling well.

Tonight Sam's complaining about a sore throat. No fever, but we'll see how he's doing tomorrow. Hope he doesn't have to miss the field trip!

Today was quite pleasant, though. Not as hot as yesterday, with impressive gusts of wind to impress Josh.

A random assortment of photos follows:

Both yesterday and today Sam played with Maddy, a classmate who lives two doors down. Here her fifth grade brother Justin is also playing with them. The current project was burying Justin's arms and legs in sand.

This is a photo from Memorial Day weekend I couldn't resist sharing! For a short weekend we  got some really  pleasant time around Mom's pond, which is looking gorgeous as usual.

A random shot of Josh and Zoe on our bed. She is tremendously patient with him and he is pretty good with Zoe as well.

Back to Memorial Day, again around the pond!

Amy with Josh at her old house. It was looking really good for the new owners. 

This is a fun toy at the Worthington Estates playground near Mom and Dad's house. We had  a couple of  good visits there over Memorial Day weekend. The thing Sam's hanging from spins, which Susan is doing. In the background Mom is watching and enjoying the sunshine.

Enough for now...