Sunday, June 2, 2013

More sandy fun

Quiet weekend. So quiet I am having a hard time remembering yesterday at all. OH YES: Took Sam to Epic in 3D(!!) to celebrate being done with his butterfly report. 

And ate out with friends at Red Lobster.

And were summoned back by a phone call indicating that Sam wasn't feeling well (headache). 

At least it was when we were about to leave.

Because Susan wasn't feeling well.

Tonight Sam's complaining about a sore throat. No fever, but we'll see how he's doing tomorrow. Hope he doesn't have to miss the field trip!

Today was quite pleasant, though. Not as hot as yesterday, with impressive gusts of wind to impress Josh.

A random assortment of photos follows:

Both yesterday and today Sam played with Maddy, a classmate who lives two doors down. Here her fifth grade brother Justin is also playing with them. The current project was burying Justin's arms and legs in sand.

This is a photo from Memorial Day weekend I couldn't resist sharing! For a short weekend we  got some really  pleasant time around Mom's pond, which is looking gorgeous as usual.

A random shot of Josh and Zoe on our bed. She is tremendously patient with him and he is pretty good with Zoe as well.

Back to Memorial Day, again around the pond!

Amy with Josh at her old house. It was looking really good for the new owners. 

This is a fun toy at the Worthington Estates playground near Mom and Dad's house. We had  a couple of  good visits there over Memorial Day weekend. The thing Sam's hanging from spins, which Susan is doing. In the background Mom is watching and enjoying the sunshine.

Enough for now...

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