Tonight, to celebrate Sam's good marks on his butterfly report, we went to a local Gelato place. On the way we were gifted with a treat which put the boys in heaven: a freight which we were able to run ahead of, then park and wait for. We got to watch the whole thing lumber by at a speed just faster than a seven-year-old running. Loud and huge and impressive. Josh was in seventh heaven. Afterward he told us several times how much he liked it.
Josh was also EXTREMELY EXCITED by the gelato, to the point of dancing around the store. |
The gang. |
Friday night Josh charmed the Bible study by joining in. After, that is, inducing David and Heidi to sit on the floor with him. How did he accomplish this? He asked them. He's hard to refuse. |
Eight days of school left, which I suspect is contributing to Sam's difficulties falling asleep. He's always up til 10 pm and always tired in the mornings. We are working on this. The solution may just be the end of school. (Yes, in New York you are in school til the solstice or thereabouts. Isn't that cruel?) |
Not much else to report. Puttered around home both Saturday and Sunday. The biggest outting (aside from gelato) was a trip to the library. Ah, the library. Wednesday I go into Sam's class to do math-related magic tricks. Other than that, a quiet week ahead, the Lord willing.
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