Saturday, August 17, 2013

Brookings' dinosaurs

These two movies are holdovers from the Brookings trip last week. They are of the animatronic dinosaurs at the Brookings Children's Museum. Since Josh still speaks of the mama and baby ROARING, I thought I'd share them. The smaller dinosaur is furry and lives in a small cave, which I believe they roll him back into in inclement weather.

Josh found the mama T. Rex particularly alarming and yet compelling. He wanted to be near it, but never was willing to go up close.

The brick building in the background is the museum, which is housed in an old school. There are black and white pictures from the school's past in the old entryway. One shows an old wrestling team, which led me to believe it used to be a high school. When Susan said it was actually an elementary school, and I pointed out the wrestling team, Uncle Alan said it was probably a picture of the faculty.

I like how they engender a real sense of panic in the kids, especially when more than one child is present.

Notice that Sam is in a sweater. What a cold August! No wonder the dinosaurs went extinct.

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