Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mount Rushmore

Started the week with a visit to Mt. Rushmore with the Colorado Gilberts (and Ruth and Katie). 

It's free!  Yes, parking is $11, but they give you a year-long parking pass. 

Really, I am not joking.

It's a nice place to visit. They have a boardwalk path which runs along the base of the mountain, which we happily took.  Along it, we saw this guy:

Not much to add, except that I have come up with the best ever slogan for Mt. Rushmore. It was carved by Gutzon Borglum. (Fun fact: for at least some time of his life, he was a member of the KKK. Well, except it sounds like he had to be just so he could do a big carving for them. So his heart wasn't in it.)

Anyway, the slogan is, "If you can't beat 'em, Borglum!"

 I refuse to feel guilty for that.

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