Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First-day update

Josh is becoming more and more of a pacifier addict. We are thinking of how and when to break him of it. Here he is, taking a hit. Hard times ahead for this boy. I favor waiting until after he's started school next week. Susan wants to get it overwith now, since it's doing harm to his teeth (or so the Anti-Pacifier Dental Council of America would have you believe).

After the Play Museum on Sunday we went to a little playground nearby which the boys like a lot. It's downtown, which always means a heightened level of alertness, though I can't think of any trouble we've had there. Sam especially likes this playground because it's adjacent to a cool concrete amphitheater...

...with lots of places to climb. Also a smattering of broken glass, a little dried urine, and some blankets left by a hobo, but one of the amazing things about kids is that they just don't notice that stuff if they are getting to climb steep concrete structures. So, a little more stress for the parent, but 10x the fun for the boys--worth it overall.

This is from this morning, the first morning back to school for Sam. Josh eagerly waited for the bus along with Sam, also wearing the backpack Nana and Grandad gave him. Sam was both anxious and excited, but mostly excited. Josh wept bitter tears when he wasn't allowed to get on the bus along with Sam. :-( Next week Josh starts Montessori. I'll be dropping him off each morning. Hopefully he'll adjust to that without too many tears. It's a great environment which I am sure he'll love.

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