Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

The lamentable end of summer had some of the time-filling activity out of Sam which summer should have--in this case, making a small village for his little plastic figures. 

No pictures from it, but yesterday we made a quick stop at the Play Museum. In Susan's words:
You know that giant in Storybook Land at the National Museum of Play? Well, today Josh was genuinely scared of it for the first time. He clung to Tim, and he called it a "grown-up." 
When he got home, I knelt down and asked him if he saw the giant. He put his little face close up to mine and said, in a big, serious voice, "GROWN-UP!"
Today, Labor Day, took a trip to the zoo in the morning, and had dinner with the Borises later in the day. Here are some photos from the former:
The river otters were in a rare playfully, exhibitionist mood. 

Delightful weekend.

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