Friday, June 19, 2015

Single-parenting update

Josh's last day of school was yesterday. Picked him up at 1:00 to find they'd taken the kids out to get soaked and muddy with the sprinker. And not, for some reason, in the bathing suits they asked us to send in. Below, the classroom assistant, Mr. Ramos, is showing Josh how to clean a leg using the sprinkler. 

This morning I spent with Josh. First thing we spent time outside playing with the new stomp rocket, and getting the trebuchet working. The trebuchet was donated by my officemate. It'll throw a golf ball about 60+ feet. Will try water balloons next. 

Two nights this week we went to the YMCA and brought along a friend from Sam's class, Zoe. Here they are in the new tween center playing air hockey.

I don't have a shot of it, but Josh enjoyed the Y too with two new activities. In one of them, he crawls along on the treadmill like a cat, and is periodically swept down and off the back of it. In other, we sit together on a computerized exercise bicycle which responds to turning the handlebars and displays a course you ride on. I do the pedaling and he steers.

Fun fact: Josh has some freckles coming out on his cheeks. Faint, but definitely not mud, as I thought at first. Freckles and blond hair?

Hope you are all well!

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