Monday, June 15, 2015

Summery activities

First, two photos from the ice cream social at Sam's school, Cobbles:

They have lots of games, music, food, and a dunk tank the teachers take turns on.  The tank was easily the most popular activity. Nice weather, and both boys had a wonderful time.

Two other photos for this brief update, of a birthday party for a friend of Josh's from school. The party was at the zoo. It was for Jack. Jack and Josh and Carter are thick as thieves:

They regularly hold hands and hug and do very silly things with the un-selfconsciousness of four-year-olds. And I have many time met other parents who, upon learning I am Josh's father, tell me their kids come home each day with tales of Josh's exploits.

A conspicuously neutral statement on the face of it. 

Best not to look at that too closely.

Here's the zoo trainer showing the kids a three-banded armadillo:

Last day of school this Thursday for Josh, and next Wednesday for Sam.

This Wednesday commences The Great Experiment, wherein I single parent for six days. Light a candle for me!

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