Christmas in South Dakota, Part 2: Mitchell
We next went, with Stephen and Katie, to stay with Ruth and Paul in Mitchell for several days. The trip was interrupted for Ruth and Paul and Susan when the spent the day driving down to Brookings to visit Gene, who was in the hospital for weakness and low K levels. The conclusion of his hospital visit was that he needs to move up to dialysis three times per week. The doctors have long urged this, but dialysis is no picnic, and only now, with loss of energy and weight, the decrease of quality of living is really tipping the balance in favor of three sessions per week. It's not a fun conclusion; please keep Gene in your prayers.
Aside from that, highlights in Mitchell included a playdate with a family from church (while I was watching the boys while the others drove to see Gene), and the traditional visits to Cabela's and to the Corn Palace. And generally just hanging out with the Mansons and Nielsons.
Katie with the boys in a dogpile, the morning we were to leave for Rochester. |
Katie and Josh in their Small Chairs. |
The tractor at the Corn Palace. The tractor! Many minutes of fun for Josh. |
I think they redid the Corn Palace recently--the onion dome looks new, and the lobby lighting's been redone. |
On the way to the airport we visited with Xochitl and Joel in White Bear Lake, which is not far from the airport. They have a lovely house in a charming neighborhood and it was a treat to get to see them. |
Finally, back to Rochester. The Minneapolis-St. Paul airport was a treat, especially due to the tram the kids got to ride from gate to terminal. Left MSP at 7:20, arrived on our doorstep at 11:20. Let Sam stay up and ring in the New Year for his first time. (He got to watch the ball drop; we avoided Pitbull's New Years Skankabration.) Josh was asleep by 11:45, Sam by 12:15 and the rest of us by 1:45. Starting out the new year with a grouchathon, I think. |
Happy New Year!
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