For our Christmas trip to South Dakota we got up at 4 AM, caught a 6 AM flight to Minneapolis, and drove 4 hours to Brookings, where we stayed for several days in cousins Layne and Jon who outdid themselves with their hospitality.
The night before we had a small family Christmas celebration in Rochester. Here's Sam showing his new optical illusions book to Josh.
Here we are on the way out. Susan and I were convinced the boys would sleep on the flight, but they were wide awake the whole time.
Christmas games
Layne and Jon's was a social center the whole time: the Colorado Gilberts came, splitting their time with the Knudsons (Marlene's family), and Ruth and Paul came from Mitchell (and stayed in a hotel), and Jon and Katie Nielson drove up from Missouri (where they are in grad school) and stayed at L&J's as well.
They taught us many good games, including the "tooth bag" game, in which you try to lift up a bag with your teeth while standing on one foot.
While in Rochester the weather was warm and there was only traces of snow, South Dakota had several mornings which began with below-zero temperatures, and there was plenty of snow. In fact, a blizzard moved through while we were there, delaying our transfer over to Mitchell (where we stayed with Ruth and Paul, along with Katie and Stephen).
Katie and Layne and Sam were all close in this game, but Sam pulled it out. Paul, to his credit, too a crack at it. |
Here we are (including Sam!) playing "Game of Things", in which a category is named (e.g. "things you can't do on a golf course"), everyone submits an answer (typically humorous), and then we go around in a circle trying to guess who submitted which. Sam actually came in second in this game; Susan won the game prior. It was, honestly, extremely funny. |
The Children's Museum in Brookings
No trip to Brookings is complete without a trip to the Children's museum (where Layne works, and where she gave us a tour). The boys were happily occupied for almost six hours, not at all ready to leave when it closed at 5 PM.
There's a little pretend cafe, where Josh served ice cream to other guests. |
Notice that the T Rex is wearing a scarf for the winter. |
Joe, who just finished his first semester of college, visiting with Grandpa Gene |
Katie and Jon with Josh and with L&J's dog Charlie. Charlie is hypoallergenic, but after a day of playing with him, boy boys started to react. We called their doc and she warned that it had to end if we didn't want a Christmas visit to the emergency room for an asthma attack. Josh reacted next, coughing a great deal. L&J were very understanding and sequestered Charlie, and that really did the trick. |
Layne and Josh |
Here's a closeup of Josh from the above family portrait. He was making a face which Katie showed him just before the picture was taken. Thanks, Katie! |
The traditional yule-tide scary sweaters were worn. I think the winner was Stephen (right)'s "hipster santa" sweater. Note now much they look like Uncle Tim Gilbert. |
Katie and Stephen (married this past summer) |
Tim and Marlene |
Tim and Paul, in front of a bottle of "Red Ass Rhubarb", a South Dakota wine which sells very well with the locals. Ruth and Paul got me a bottle of this for Christmas, though several of us pitched in to consume it. |
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