Last night Sam, sitting at the dinner table while Susan and I were getting things ready, said, "I'm sad I'm not sad I fooled you!"
I deliberately left out punctuation because the statement sounded just like that. Our period of concern over his being sad was very short!
In other Sam news, he's become very interested in drawing paths. He calls them mazes, but really they are just curvy paths. He'll even draw them in the nap of the rug, and then ask us to trace through them from start to finish.

So, he's fascinated by paths through space--2D or 3D. (I think he has this in common with his cousin Kevin.) So much so that daily he'll bring me a particular catalog which has a particular "marble race"-type toy (very much like the one in the photo), and ask me to tell him again how the marble rolls down, and where it goes. I love that his imagination's strong enough that he's happy even picturing in his mind where the ball goes. It's unfortunate that these guys run from $80 for the smaller ones to over $100 for the larger! (At least, the wooden ones do.) We're thinking about affordable alternatives to get him for his birthday. Like more catalogs to look at.
[Photo credit: Amy took that great shot of sneaky Sam.]
Nice pictures of Sam up there.
I wonder who took it? Ahahahah!
I'm sure a cheap book of mazes would do the trick. Available wherever kids toys are sold, I'd suppose.
I think I'm going to put that quotation up in my cube and see how many responses I get.
l, AA
Getting him a catalogue to look at--another thing in common with his cousin Kevin. Which reminds me, it's about time to sort through Kevin's calendar/catalogue basket and pay a visit to the recycling bins. They taketh over!
Had those cookies yet?
Haven't had any cookies yet! But he's owed some chocolate from Canada. Some friends, Jim and Emily, went there recently. Canada, as it turns out, has some peanut-free candy factories, so you can get candy there of a purity you can't find here. Perfect for him to get on Hallowe'en. (We'll swap the candy he collects with safe candy, so that he doesn't go home empty-handed the way he did last year!)
Well, when they were on their way out of town, Emily happened to stop by and mentioned to Sam that she was going to the "land of chocolate". Ever since, Sam has been asking about her!
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