Sam loves to scare himself. We went to a small local library tonight and when we came home, on the way in from the car to the house, he exclaimed, "OH NO THERE'S A GHOST IN THE STREET!" and we rushed in to avoid it. (Turned out there was a ghost inside as well, but these stories always have good endings.)
From Susan:
I tried to convince Sam to be a pirate for Halloween, but I knew he really wanted to be a ghost. I was worried about adapting a pillowcase for the cause: too easy for him to look like a KKK member! Finally I bought a very cheap ghost-type costume, and when he put it on, he was thrilled. (See pic at left.) I'm not letting him wear the headpiece, which is way too creepy; he'll wear a white hooded sweatshirt under the costume. That'll have to be ghost enough. When wearing the costume, he ran around the room flapping his arms in delight.
Back to Tim:
In other news, I asked Sam if he knew how much I love him, and when he said no, I told him I love him up to the moon and back. Then he replied, "Daddy, I love you to Sara's house!" (That's Sara Dill, beloved babysitter.) Then he looked up, thought about it a little, and realized that wasn't very far, and amended it, "way way far to the Play Museum cause that's far away."
And one last Piaget moment: A few days ago Sam told me that a duck is a type of bird. You can see the wrinkles forming on his cranium.
I know you love it and I'm sorry, but I have to say that I still don't care for that story. The poor kid just can't ever win and the parents hold it over him, even when he's asleep!
Great story though.
love, Aunt Amy
Great Sammy Story, that is.
Your objection to Guess How Much... is duly noted!
For what it's worth, Sam's never seemed beaten down when reading it. :-)
Yes, there are much worse things to be beaten at than being loved. In fact, from a Christian perspective, *we* can't ever win that one either, and I am okay with this.
Wow--that kid sure is getting verbal. How I would love a Rochester-Westerville tesseract! Can't wait to see you at Christmas!
It's not the same when God says, I love you to the Moon and Back as when a parent says it.
To me it's just not the same.
But you all go off and have a good time with the book. I don't mind.
you know whats really cute (this is Sara by the way) when I last babysat Sam we read that book before he went to bed.
I love reading these cute stories!!!
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