More autumnal fun! Susan took Sam along with Sam's friend Ian and Ian's mom Barb to a local apple farm yesterday. (Ian also goes to Montessori's Children's House--or, as we call it, Zeroth Form.) Surely this is the high point of being a part-time at-home parent: getting to wander around in the open fall air during a weekday afternoon! And not on vacation time, either.
I think the picture of Sam

and Ian in the cornfield could well be a movie poster. It looks like they are about to enter some sort of Kansas entry into Narnia. (Where all the sows and mares and hens talk about the evil Witch who's running the slaughterhouse.)
Interestingly, Ian and Sam are about the same age--Sam's ab0ve typical height and

Ian's below. It says something that I didn't even notice. You get used to that difference when you are 6'5", I guess.
The house of sticks was one of three -- straw, sticks and faux bricks. We liked what we saw but haven't made an offer yet.
Oh, for those following the Max saga, this morning Sam made a hand puppet out of his own hand, calling him "little Max". When asked what Little Max had to say, Sam had him answer "da da da", which I think is the toddler equivalent of "yada yada yada".
I filled Stu in last night--he had no idea that your wife was contemplating puppecide. The sad act of a desperate woman.
I know the feeling. I personally have a hard time seeing the difference between 6'5", and, say 6'8". You're all outrageous to me.
It's amazing what just a few collected inches will do. :P
We spent time at my cousin's house the other week. She has two kids, ages 2 and 5. I think Sammy's ahead of them both in height and in mental, emotional, and academic acuity. Compared to Sammy before we left NY her youngest is a vegetable. It's really sad. It made me really miss Sammy.
And no, I'm not exaggerating. I think 'vegetable' may be horrifyingly accurate, in many cases.
So anyway, thanks for my weekly dose of Sammy!
What is Zeroth Form?
Well, Corinne Elliot is attending school in England--tenth grade?--and her school is called "sixth form". I didn't want to refer to Sam as being in the -8th form, so I floored it out at zeroth.
It's an approximation I feel okay with.
You remember Andy and Juli Elliot from small group, I bet!
Thing is, I read this immediately after reading Ursula Vernon's blog (a rather off-beat artist) and it took a couple moments before I realized you were actually just reporting events and the movie poster would not lead to Little Red Riding Womverine later on.
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