Thursday, October 22, 2009

What's Samliness next to?

Okay, this anecdote may be fascinating only because it involves a child voluntarily cleaning things.

Sam got in trouble for something we need not go into right now. Afterward he was very much in the mood to gain approval from his parents. First I had him help clean up the mess he made. He enjoyed it enough that he asked to keep cleaning--so I suggested:

Tim: You want to clean the kitchen floor with me?
Sam: Yeah! Why would I not? [You could here the "duh!"]

As he scrubbed he said with enthusiasm, "This could be sparkling! It's sparkling like diamonds!"

And while asking me for the container of wipes he said, "you know, the yellow cylinder!" I think I've ascertained that he has the spiritual gift of "syllables."

* * *

Yesterday Susan told Sam a great story about a boy who is naughty and buries his sister's favorite corn-cob doll--only to have his transgression revealed to all when corn grew on the spot.

Sam, never one to miss the point, said at the end, That was really bad. I could never do that. I don't know how to dig a hole.

Susan then said, "I hope there are other reasons you can't do that!"
Sam replied, "Yeah, there sure are: we don't have a corn-cob doll!"

1 comment:

Spud said...

I get the feeling that most of his sins will be highly creative ones--nothing ordinary for him.