Thursday, December 3, 2009

Only for boys

Okay. This morning we are driving in and Sam's really quiet.

Tim: What are you thinking about?
Sam: It's a secret.
Tim: Can't you tell me? I really enjoy your secrets.
Sam: I can tell you because it's a secret from girls. Only boys can know. I was thinking about how much I like looking at what God created.
Tim: Hey, that's nice, me too!
Sam: It's a secret only for boys. So I can't tell mommy or Aunt Sue or Mrs. Mulvaney or...

(The list of insiders and outsiders continued for quite some time.)

He also said today he liked rain. What a good day! Maybe he's forgotten his dream of California.


Spud said...

How fun! Don't tell him I know...

Anonymous said...

ha! I like looking at God's creation too, but that's a secret from the BOYS! Don't tell Sam. :-)

Tim said...

I think he did the whole it's-a-secret thing because he wanted to have an excuse to tell me, not because he originally intended it so.

At the end of the day I was driving him home from a play date, and he was looking out the window thoughtfully when he said again that he liked looking at what God made. When I asked what in particular, he said, "Growing things." And then he said he he'd like to grow something.
