Friday, February 26, 2010

February snow storm

We got 10" over night, and it's been snowing steadily all day since. They say it will let up soon, which is fine by me. The temperature's around 30, so it's a heavy wet snow. Still, quite beautiful.

While I was snowblowing the driveway Susan and Sam came out to play and work in the snow. Susan even took a turn at snowblowing.

Not much else to say. Just thought you'd enjoy the photos!

Note after the fact: The official tally Friday night was 17" in Penfield. We got another few inches the rest of the weekend.

Last night before dinner we all went out to play in the snow while I cleared the pile left by the plow. (The function of the plow, when there's this much snow, is to move snow from the street to the driveways.) We rollicked around in the snow, throwing snowballs at one another. Sam was giddy with enjoyment, flopping down in the drifts and having a great time. :-)

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