Monday, March 8, 2010

Another quiet weekend

A quiet weekend in Penfield. These photos are from a Play Museum trip Friday with Susan, and the YMCA.

Sam's weekend activities included:
  • Using a new Activity Book sent by Aunt Ruth--Sam loves it!
  • The weekly trip to the Y to run off steam
  • An evening with Befany, which included a viewing of the Tinker Bell movie (his idea), which, I am glad to say, Sam tells me is not very good
  • A trip to the Pittsford Library for a change of pace
  • As well as a few errands, including a stop at the hardware store, where Sam got an inexpensive magnifying glass, which has gotten a lot of use
  • Head-butting daddy unexpectedly, resulting in tears (his) and angry looks (mine) and a search for mommy
  • Falling off the back of the couch onto his back and head on the hard wood floor...
...after which he actually felt nauseous for a while. Fortunately he showed no other concussion symptoms and was fine by dinnertime.

Other than that, not much to report. Nice to have another quiet weekend.

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