Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Snowmass Village

Sunday we got up at 5 am, flew to Chicago then Denver, then drove four hours into the mountains to a little resort town called Snowmass Village, which is next to Aspen.

It apparently snowed here Saturday. Sunday it was in the 50s. Monday it was in the 50s and rainy.

And Monday we came as close to calling an exorcist for Sam as we ever have. Let's say he was having some entitlement issues.

Much better today.

Today it was sunny and in the mid 70s. We are at the Anomalous Absorption Conference. (I'll be impressed if anyone can figure out why, and just as impressed if anyone cares!) It's a small conference, always at resort towns. There are sessions in the morning and the evening, and the afternoons are free. So this afternoon we went to a hike near the Maroon Bells peaks. The brave go up to Crater Lake; we went on the "Scenic Loop", which was just the right speed for the three of us.

It was gorgeous, as you can see from the photos. Windy but warm in the sun, and everywhere you look an amazing vista. Makes us want to hike in to Marcy Dam in the Adirondacks this summer.

The hotel has two outdoor heated pools, where Sam floated around and chatted amiably with two other scientist's kids who get credit for being very patient with a boy much younger than them.

Then we went in to Aspen. I've never seen so many art galleries and clothing stores in my life. Even Gucci and Prada (didn't notice the Devil).

We are thankful to God for a good and done talk this morning, for a much better behaved Sam, and for the beauties of his creation. Wow.

Two days and we head out of the mountains to visit Tim and Marlene--what a treat! It's been too long.


Anonymous said...

What beautiful pictures! It's great to see you all in your ball caps too.
But what is that thing Sam is holding in the third picture - the one with Susan and Sam in the street?
So glad you are having a good time - and that Sam is getting plenty of exorcise! (haha)

Tim said...

Sam is carrying a big spider made of balloons made by a street vendor. He named him Mr. Brown Legs.

Spud said...

*I* know why! Because you were presenting a paper! Yeah, yeah, that's not the why you were looking for, but it's all I gots.

Aspen looks like it might be green and watered enough for me.