Tuesday, November 30, 2010

house numbers

After a good post-vacation Monday, it was perhaps inevitable Tuesday wouldn't go easily. To quote Susan this morning,

Sam was visited by the Meltdown Fairy this morning, closely attended by the Elves of Consequences.

Out of the blue, as Susan was putting Sam down to sleep tonight:

Sam: Mommy, I have to ask you a question about house numbers. Do house numbers ever end?
Susan: Yes, they do.
Sam: How do they know when to end?
Susan: Depends on how many houses there are in that part of town...

So much to learn at Sam's age. Earlier he noticed swervy tire tracks on the rain-soaked road, and was sure that they were made by a bad guy--since bad guys are always doing bad things, like swerving.

Monday morning, bright and early, he excitedly brought up two Lego men and made one into a zombie chasing the other. The one in front originally had a horrified look on his face, but that Lego head has gone missing (and so it begins).

Also shown, the turkey Sam made at Montessori last week. Love the mismatched googly eyes!

One last photo: I promised a shot of the living room which Ruth painted. You can't appreciate the color in this light, but you can certainly see what a cozy place it is now. Thanks, Ruth!


Tim said...

The turkey with googly eyes is maybe my favorite thing in the world.

Susan said...

Hey, that was Susan, not Tim, who left that last comment...