I mentioned that we've been at the receiving end of an unusual lake-effect engine for the last several days. Buffalo has too, in spades--I hear they got a few feet of snow in places, forcing a shutdown of interstate 90. Our friend Barbara, coming back from playing a concert in Erie, PA with the Irish Tenors, was forced by the weather off the throughway, to wander Buffalo "surface roads," not making it home til 2 AM.

The average snowfall in Rochester in December is 20" (compared to 5.4" in Columbus and 7" in Sioux Falls). Since yesterday morning, according to the National Weather Service, we got 4.7", bringing the current total to about 10-12", depending on how close to the lake you look.

It's pretty. And Sam could not be more excited about his snow boots and new gloves. :-)
Anyway, this is really just an excuse to show some photos of snowy Penfield, NY.

Despite our large snowfalls, we often are sitting on the sidelines when Columbus and Mitchell get pounded by serious winter storms.

This snowfall has been ideal--not more per day than we can easily handle, and cold enough not to turn to slush. What is the largest storm you've been in which wasn't too dangerous or inconvenient?
There are many places around here to hike through the snow. I think this weekend I may take Sam snow shoeing at the nearby
Tinker Park Nature Center, where you can rent snow shoes, even for children (follow the link for photos). Maybe sledding, soon? Sam's ambivalence toward sledding marks him as a true Collins. He's equally likely to love it or to realize, "Hey! My face hurts and I can't feel my toes!" and want to go home.
Nothing makes the subsequent cocoa and roaring fire more satisfying than a little cold-induced nerve damage. :-)
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