Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Reader Ruth Writes:

Any thoughts of officially adding Josh to Sammy Notes anytime soon? Maybe "Sam & bro notes" or "Notes o' the Boys" or "Sammy Notes & Joshie Times"?

I need a new banner image and a new title. What do you think of the above?

Shown is the best banner photo I have so far... tempted to wait for something better.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Full House

This weekend saw two celebrations, three guests, and 10+baby out for Sunday dinner to celebrate.

This was Dad's birthday, so we were happy to shower him with the usual number of gifts.

It was also the weekend of Josh's bap-christen-edication. The liturgy was carefully and thoughtfully crafted by Rev. Tineke, including a welcome into the covenantal community coupled with clear statements of how Josh will have to decide for himself when he's older. Perfect for Sam to hear. Rev. Salvaggio's sermon was extremely good, and meshed well with the thing we did with Josh.

And since you all want to know, he was quiet up there--didn't cry! Worst offense, dropping a stuffed lamb. I mean, agnus. It was in a church, after all. And Sam too was reasonably well behaved, much like a boy who wanders over to the edge of the cliff over the grand canyon but then steps back again. When he eyed the water in the font I was worried all might be lost, but true to form he didn't cross the line. Phew.

It's late, so just one more thing: Aunt Amy and the boys went to the Zoo Sunday after the big dinner out. It's the first day of a week in the 90s (best facebook update, from Lynn Albers: "I'd totally make out with Frosty the Snowman right now!"), and the shady stream at the zoo was perfect. Even the tiger was hot enough that he was just lazing in a big tub, as you can see. :-) (Notice the paws resting on the edge.)

More than ever Josh is enjoying Naked Time. He just kicks and grins happily.

Maybe I'll get a movie uploaded of his wolf call.

What are you all doing to stay cool?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Random thoughts

Note: Three posts were made today, two on our recent vacation, one fascinating conversation with Sam.

First thing this morning Sam told me about a bad dream he'd had. He was trapped in a room where the ceiling or walls were closing in, and he faced other traps as well. (This inspired, I am sure, by the Egyptian mummy episode of Ruff Ruffman's Fetch.) Jesus was with him, which was apparently a good thing.

Yesterday morning Susan shared the following:

He was cheerful and chatty on the way in. That was fun. He tried to tell me that some character in Rescue Heroes is the son of Wendy Waters, and I said she didn't seem old enough to be his mother. He said that she's 18, and the other guy was 17, so it was fine! I said then she would have to be 1 year old when she had him. He said she was actually 22. I said, "Sam, then she would have been five when she had him! That's your age!" He said, a little impatiently, "Mom, it's the movies. Things happen in the movies that can't really happen. Like Alvin and the Chipmunks. Chipmunks can't really speak our language."

I said he had a very good point and let it drop!

* * *

Josh has been sleeping through the night with only one feeding, mostly. And vocalizing a lot whenever anyone locks eyes with him. And he's got the coordination already to grab his nuk, and can occasionally hold the bottle while drinking.

Best of all, he continues to have the same good attitude Sam did at that age.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Vacation, part 2

Higley, Part 2:

First, Nana watching Sam do his Perplexus, a 3-D maze of sorts which Nana and Grandad gave him. Well, it's not really a maze, as you aren't trying to fix a path. You are trying to guide a BB along one of three paths without its falling down. A couple of weeks ago Sam had a Perplexus explosion and suddenly could do all three paths... intermittently.

He has a love-hate relationship with it, since it can be very touchy, and frustrating at times. Many times he's complained of too much noise when anyone so much as walks through the room where he's doing it. (You can imagine how that goes over!) I often hide it at night so he doesn't see it and try to do it first thing in the morning. It's taught him the value of perseverance, I think.

Tue and Wed we drove the 1.5 hours up to Lake Placid, where we stayed overnight. Great hotel, excellent weather and had a really good time. Shown is the view from the lower of the two Whiteface peaks, to which we took a gondola ride. (One of the three times during the trip Sam said, "This is the BEST DAY EVER!") Next year we'll hike up Mt. Jo, which is just a mile each way, but a 700' climb.

While in Placid we played a couple of rounds of mini golf to pass the time. The were of the same class as Pirate Island in Sea Isle City--which means they were very good, and Sam was in heaven.

Also in Placid we learned of, and let Sam try, the EuroBungy. It's a Swedish marriage between a trampoline and bungy jumping, allowing huge leaps into the air. Sam was truly in heaven. Next time up we've got to get Susan to try it as well, as she's always been a big trampoline fan.

We ate dinner in Placid at a pizza place run by a family from Montenegro. We chose it in part because we were able to sit on
the balcony and hear the start of a public jazz concert while overlooking Mirror Lake. Oddly, while there we met three unrelated families also hailing from the Rochester area. Must be some obscure trick of marketing.

Sam and I did our annual overnight in Higley. The weather was much nicer this year than last, and we were further away from the water, so no bug problems. It was delightful, especially since N&G&S&J brought over fried chicken from Lorna's Higley Hideaway Diner Cafe. (Notice I never used the phrase "roughing it"!)

Only kayaked once, but got to solder copper pipe for the first time! Scrabble (Susan pulled it out, as I recall), Poirot mysteries, and a delightful week.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


At long last, below are some photos from last week at camp with Nana and Grandad.

We had a splendid time. The weather was warm without being too hot. (Too hot means unable to cool down when going to sleep despite roaring fans.)

Sam and I availed ourselves of the State Park's Nature Center activities on more than one occasion. Pictured here is the tie-dying activity, which was very popular. (The Center is shown below, with the Nature Center Person, Krystal) Met a mother who also remembers coming to the Nature Center as a child, as do I. Tie-dyed a shirt and a towel.

We went on plenty of walks, around Arbuckle to McEwen point, on the Beaver Pond trail (B.P. shown below), etc. You can see Susan with a harnessed Josh getting ready for one such hike.

Mom is shown here with Josh. Notice the clever placement of the pacifier!

Now on to the next

Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday at the Zoo

Two quick photos from Sam and Susan and Josh's Friday morning at Seneca Park Zoo.

Fun was had by all.

Aunt Ruth's Visit, Part II

As promised, the photo-log of Aunt Ruth's recent visit. It was a tremendous treat to have Ruth with us, and something which happens far too rarely for all involved. A.R. once again performed an incredible service, repainting and redecorating Sam's room. Astute readers will recall she and Katie, with Susan, painted the previous decorations, six pirate portholes. That was a few years ago. Now Sam has been treated to a Spiderman Theme! With accoutrements from Pottery Barn (who kindly dulled the colors a little for the sake of the parents), Sam now has one three blue/gray walls and bright red one--which required a heroic four coats by A.R. There are also two decals, a quilt (which will outlast the Spiderman theme), a bin (courtesy A.R.) and two matching pillowcases. Oh, and also, thanks to Ruth, new curtains which match the theme colors.


Other highlights of the week:
  • Meals out (Dinosaur, Chang's, Blue Cactus, etc.)
  • A visit by Ruth and Susan and Josh to the Waterloo outlet stores 45 minutes away
  • Total organization and salvation of the previous "art corner" disaster area (we were close to getting FEMA money, if that tells you anything)
  • An elaborate scavenger hunt for Sam
  • Many pleasant meals out on the sun porch
  • Hours of Josh-cuddling time
  • Tick-tack-toe with Sam in paint on his walls

All were great. But the best was surely just getting to catch up, face to face. We miss you, Aunt Ruth.