Friday, July 1, 2011

Aunt Ruth's Visit, Part II

As promised, the photo-log of Aunt Ruth's recent visit. It was a tremendous treat to have Ruth with us, and something which happens far too rarely for all involved. A.R. once again performed an incredible service, repainting and redecorating Sam's room. Astute readers will recall she and Katie, with Susan, painted the previous decorations, six pirate portholes. That was a few years ago. Now Sam has been treated to a Spiderman Theme! With accoutrements from Pottery Barn (who kindly dulled the colors a little for the sake of the parents), Sam now has one three blue/gray walls and bright red one--which required a heroic four coats by A.R. There are also two decals, a quilt (which will outlast the Spiderman theme), a bin (courtesy A.R.) and two matching pillowcases. Oh, and also, thanks to Ruth, new curtains which match the theme colors.


Other highlights of the week:
  • Meals out (Dinosaur, Chang's, Blue Cactus, etc.)
  • A visit by Ruth and Susan and Josh to the Waterloo outlet stores 45 minutes away
  • Total organization and salvation of the previous "art corner" disaster area (we were close to getting FEMA money, if that tells you anything)
  • An elaborate scavenger hunt for Sam
  • Many pleasant meals out on the sun porch
  • Hours of Josh-cuddling time
  • Tick-tack-toe with Sam in paint on his walls

All were great. But the best was surely just getting to catch up, face to face. We miss you, Aunt Ruth.

1 comment:

Spud said...

You're going to want to go back and edit that first sentence!